Digital Dental Conference CANCELLED
The Executive Committee for the VDDS has concluded that the present state of the COVD-19 pandemic remains too fluid to continue moving forward with plans for the rescheduled 2021 Digital Dental Conference proposed for 20-21 May, 2021. Given that the Pacific Dental Conference scheduled for March 2021 has been cancelled, we feel it would be prudent to follow suit. While we regret this decision, we feel it properly reflects the times and look forward to revisiting this conference at a later date when conditions are more favorable. If you have paid for registration already, you will be receiving a full refund via Eventbrite shortly.
I would like to thank you for your generous support of this project. I look forward to connecting with you again once discussions for another conference begin.
All the best,
Frederic Duke, President VDDS
Thank you to these Sponsors